Tina Young-Holman is a seasoned entrepreneur and licensed life insurance agent based in Texas.Tina initiated the "Black 2 Black" (BPSNP) private group in 2005, offering resources and tips to empower fellow entrepreneurs in navigating the complexities of business ownership.
In 2008, Tina ventured into entrepreneurship by founding Tina & Jamari Gifts, Her current endeavor, TNJ Hous3 Enterprise, serves as the umbrella for all her businesses.
Beyond entrepreneurship, Tina actively engages in community leadership. In 2020, she ran for office in her town, assuming the role of Precinct 10 chair and became the President of her local NAACP in 2021. In 2022, Tina launched Black 2 Black Magazine, dedicated to showcasing and promoting Black-owned businesses.
Black 2 Black Consulting, Tina assists small businesses in navigating startup and growth phases, emphasizing the importance of a business mindset for success. Her Black 2 Black Talk Show, initiated in 2022, hosts virtual events, while her consultant business equips entrepreneurs with the tools for success.
Networking is a cornerstone of Tina's approach, evident in her participation in conferences and shows, such as Sisters Leaders Conference and SpeakerCon22 and more. Global Leadership Challenge monthly, Hardwired To Lead 2022-2023. Shine on Stage in 2023.
2023-2024 KingdomCraft Marketing Agency Email:kingdomcraftmarketing@gmail.com
Black 2 Black Talk Show Email: black2blacktalkshow@gmail.com Black 2 Black Consulting Email: black2blackconsulting@gmail.com Website: https://bit.ly/3WQzdqp
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